Hoje a pedra no meu sapato é Da Servidão Humana do Sommerset Maugham. Acordei a pensar no livro que li há mais de dez anos. Não me sai da cabeça ou a cabeça não consegue sair do livro... A loucura conduzida pela paixão, o homem saíndo de si para se dar ao outro e no fim acabar sem ninguém. Como se transfigura uma pessoa quando está perdida e amputada pelo amor. A carne deixa de ser carne para ser um obstáculo à vontade. Um impeditivo à loucura maior, uma limitação que parece tão mesquinha quando se está apaixonado.
"It seemed to Philip that he alone of the clerks saw the dramatic interest of those afternoons. To the others men and women were only cases, good if they were complicated, tiresome if obvious; they heard murmurs and were astonished at abnormal livers; an unexpected sound in the lungs gave them something to talk about. But to Philip there was much more. He found an interest in just looking at them, in the shape of their heads and their hands, in the look of their eyes and the length of their noses. You saw in that room human nature taken by surprise, and often he mask of custom was torn off rudely, showing you the soul all raw. Sometimes you saw an untaught stoicism which was profoundly moving. Once Philip was a man, rough and illiterate, told his case was hopeless; and self-controlled himself, he wondered at the splendid instinct which forced the fellow to keep a stiff upper-lip before strangers. But was it possible for him to be brave when he was by himself, face to face with his soul, or would he then surrender to despair? "
Acho que o vou ler de novo...
30 maio 2006
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1 comentário:
Comunoides é favor de ler: O PRESIDENTE, O PAPA E A PRIMEIRA MINISTRA. Ronald Reagan era mais do que um grande americano, era um Homem de bem, que triunfou sobre Voces(o mal)!
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