15 fevereiro 2007

Humma la humma la humma

And he said...
Humma la humma la humma
It's a bumma la humma la humma
And she said...
Don't leave your socks spread all over the house...
I can't live like this
he said....
Humma la humma la humma
I must get ou of here and runna la humma la humma la humma
she said...
Don't forget allimony you son of a bitcha
la bitcha la bitcha
he said...
humma la humma la humma
i want my momma la humma la humma la humma
she said...
i ain't your momma
neither your waifa, so watch out coz i got a knaifa...
he said
humma la humma la humma
bitch, watch my blood runna la humma la humma
she said
dog, you ain't gonna humma no more
now that you're spread out flat on the floor
humma la humma la humma

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